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Mrs Burman

Governor Type:  Associate Governor                   

Term of Office: 26.10.22-25.10.26

Business/Pecuniary Interests:  Employed at SJN

Other Governance Roles: None

Material Interests: Child attends this school 

Attendance Record (18/19):  4/7

Attendance Record ( 19/20) : 2/4

Attendance Record ( 20/21): 3/6

Attendance Record ( 21/22) : 6/8

Responsibilities:   SEND


I am an ex pupil of St Peters attending when my family moved from Aberdeen Scotland, when I was 8 years old. I completed a BSc (HONS) in Criminology and Sociology at Teesside University in Middlesbrough. I worked at Geest Prepared foods in Barton for 8 years as a Quality Auditor before becoming the Intelligence Unit Office Manager at Humberside Police. I was responsible for support staff and the management of the Divisional Criminal Intelligence System, identifying risk in relation to sensitive graded intelligence.

I am married to Anth and our son attends the school. He is very happy at school and is learning so much, growing with confidence all the time.

I am a new Governor, but I am looking forward to the challenge, and feel passionate about young people’s education, well-being and safety. I’d like to help the school continue to build on the great ethos and values that already exist.
