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BSP Covid 19 Response information

This is a temporary page on our website.  This is where we will share with you the most up to date information as it is released to us. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions... we may not have the answers but we will try!

Covid 19 Catch Up Funding Plan

Please be aware that the above plan may be amended as time passes and situations within school change.  We have tried to formulate a plan which meets the key requests made by our families to allow maximum access and engagement



As the 1st June approaches we are being asked questions which we are sure lots of you will have. We will aim to answer those questions here:-


Can you guarantee social distancing in school ?  The simple answer is no.  We will be re-arranging classroom furniture and staffing to ensure minimal mixing but children, especially small children, will find keeping away from one another very difficult.  We will adopt increased cleaning and hygiene models to counteract this as much as possible.


Will my child be in class with their friends?  Possibly not.  Firstly, not all EYFS, Y1 and Y6 will be returning and so special friends might not even be in school. Secondly, we will be splitting each year group into smaller groups or "bubbles" to promote distancing and limit mixing of children and adults and so a special friend might be in a different bubble.  The bubbles will not mix at all; they will have separate playtimes and lunchtimes.  Children may not be in a class with the teacher they had prior to March 20th.  For example, Miss Cropper will not be returning due to the imminent arrival of her baby and so Willow Year 1 will certainly be with different adults.


What about toilets ?  Year 1 and EYFS will use the KS1 toilets, Y6 the toilets in the library and the KW children the KS2 toilets.  The middle cubicle will be closed off and there will be a limit of 2 children at any one time in the toilets.  Staggered break times will help this.  We will clean the toilets regularly throughout the day.  The children will use paper towels and there will be lidded bins


What about reading books ? We will not be able to use the library or send books home with the children as we will aim to limit items transferred between school and home. We will continue to use online reading in school and recommend you do this at home. Each bubble will have access to a small amount of books daily which will then be packed away for 72 hours.


What will happen if a child is upset or distressed?   We will aim to settle the children whilst trying to adhere to distancing.  Staff will have access to PPE if it is required to allow for closer contact.  If a child needs to contact their parents / carers for reassurance this will be facilitated whilst adhering to distancing as much as is possible.


How will you monitor the parents at drop off and pick up ?  Miss Brack will be outside during drop off and pick up.  Mr Reynolds has already marked the paths with 2m lines and we would ask that you would stick to them.  We will have a staggered start and end to the day to limit adults on site and we ask that you leave as soon as your child is collected and that you do not arrive early and gather. 


Will school operate normal hours? In order to safely maintain distancing at the start and end of the day we will have to adjust the day slightly. Please refer to the plan for the exact times.  In addition, lunch and breaks will be staggered to support safe use of toilets and play areas.  Provision for Key Worker pupils will continue as it ahs throughout lockdown


What will happen if my children don't come back to school ? We will continue to upload work packages to DB primary.  The only difference will be that your teachers might not reply as quickly as they have been as they will be working with the children in school


What will it look like for the children in Oak ?  As per the guidance we will have to take a lot of the equipment out of the units.  Anything that is used has to be able to be disinfected at the end of a session so there will be limitations but we will endeavour to keep the provision as "normal" as we can within these constraints. With this in mind, the unit will look and feel very different to what the children are used to.  We will also aim to use the outdoor space and the KS1 playground more if the weather permits.


Will the lessons be back to normal ?  The simple answer is no. Children will work in the same small groups all day so things like phonics will look very different.  As staff will need to keep their distance, marking and support will look very different.  The children in class will continue to access the same work as the children at home and we wont be following our medium term plans at this time. Significant time will be given over to well being and mental health.  All work will be recorded in one book to minimise transference and we wont be able to use reading and text books as we normally would.


Will the children have to wear uniform?  We would like the children in uniform as far as is possible but we appreciate that they may have grown out of it and that you may not wish to invest in new at this time of year.  What we do ask is that the children's clothing is changed daily and washed as frequently as is practical.  They will not need PE kits for the time being. If they bring a coat it will remain on the back of their chair rather than in the cloakroom.  We ask that apart from lunch boxes, no other items are brought in from home


Will my Y6 child get the opportunity to visit their secondary school? At the moment this is looking very unlikely due to the secondaries needing to manage their own return to school plan and also limit visits to the school and mixing.  Mr Danson is in constant communication with Baysgarth and he will complete some general work on the transition process especially around the social and emotional aspects of the move.


What about Key Worker children? Key worker provision will continue as it has throughout the closure.  The categories for this provision remain the same:- health care professionals, care workers, teachers/Tas/EYPs, food manufacturing and distribution, emergency services , power supplies and communications.  Both parents need to fall into the key worker bracket at this time.  in addition we will continue to provide care for vulnerable children. We know that other industries are opening but at this time we will be adhering strictly to this list.  Places need to be booked in advance.  The Key Worker children should only be in school on the days and hours you are physically at work.  For example if your shift is 10- 3 your child can be dropped off just before 10 and collected just after 3.


Can my child wear PPE to school? The government guidance is that children do not need to wear PPE for a number of reasons including that it can be a strangulation and choking hazard. For this reason children will not be wearing PPE in school.  The staff will have PPE for the administration of First Aid and personal care only.


Can my child bring their mobile phone ?  No.  We are not able to store them in the safe at this time and so we would ask they children don't bring them. If they do the school will not be liable for any loss or damages.


Will you administer first aid?  Yes. Each bubble will have a supply of PPE and so if a child needs first aid the staff will be clothed accordingly.  All staff at BSP are first aid trained and we will also have specialist paediatric first aiders on site at all times.



