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Pupil Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

The member of staff responsible for Pupil Premium is Mr R Wilson ( Deputy Headteacher) 

September 2020: Pupil Premium Update

In line with government guidance, our school closed on Friday March 20th 2020. From this point, pupils in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant were supported in the following ways:

  1. Weekly topic-based home-learning packs that covered the whole curriculum.
  2. Delivery of paper copy home-learning packs to all families who requested.
  3. Weekly food hampers collected in school (or delivered as required) and direct contact with these families.
  4. Weekly spelling and reading challenges posted on school e-platforms.
  5. Fortnightly welfare calls home by a range of staff
  6. Weekly pastoral home visits to 20 families by learning mentor and SLT.
  7. Vulnerable pupils (up to 47) attended our school throughout the lockdown period. 
  8. Online video sessions (google meet) with pupils and classes.
  9. School equipment delivered to families in need, such as stationery, laptops etc.
  10. Access to Reading Plus programme for PPG pupils in Y5 and Y6.
  11. Access to online phonics teaching for pupils in EYFS and KS1.
  12. In addition to EYFS, Year 1 and Year 6, all pupils had the opportunity to be taught in school for a set period in Years 2, 3, 4 and 5 during June and July.
  13. Open morning for new pupils and families in EYFS in August.
  14. Home visits to all new starters in the EYFS in August.